Praise for I AM NOT A WOLF

In I Am Not a Wolf, Sheehan fully commits to and elevates the you-are-there and interactive-fiction concepts to absurd heights…like a video game, but way funnier and somehow more fun, too.”
-New York Magazine’s Best of 2021

“I loved this book so much that I read it straight through in one sitting! I think I would love it even more if I had flipped to the correct pages like the book said to!”
-Megan Amram, Writer & Producer of The Good Place

“I’ve read I Am Not A Wolf several times, first as a multiverse, a kind of Oregon Trail where tearing out throats is an in-game option, and front-to-back as a kind of horsemeat Ulysses. It rings true either way.”
-Steve Albini

“Dan Sheehan — who is definitely not a wolf — has created a delicious adventure filled with humor, whimsy, and many, many, meat references. I laughed until I howled.”
-Jennifer Wright, Author & Editor-At-Large for Harper’s Bazaar

Praise For We Still Like You

We Still Like You was named one of the “10 Best Comedy Shows In Denver” by Westword in 2017

We Still Like You was named one of the Riverfront Times’ “Best Comedy Shows in St. Louis” in 2014

“[The We Still Like You podcast is] Moth-Level, quality storytelling.”

“A rowdy, infectious, good time.”
-Chicago Tribune

“Consistently funny and punk rock as hell”
-The Guardian

Additional Press & Recognition

“Sheehan has established himself as a discernible and versatile comedic voice”
-Paste Magazine

“Brilliant and funny”

“This is what the web is for.”

“High concept humor”
-New York Times